EASY PROVEN Chickenpox Treatment on ADULT NO SCAR

Hello friends, today I will tell you how I can recover chickenpox when I was 19 years old.

That year, I didn't know the exact symptoms of chickenpox. I only know that you will have some runny boils. I have already known that Chicken Pox is a contagious disease. So, since I haven't got that, yet I make some distance from the one who I know have it.

Unluckily, one day in November 2017 I ate porridge together with my crush before a college exam. After we told the seller about our dish, we sat together next to a girl who ate alone. I didn't really notice her since my crush sat between me and her but when I saw her in a moment I feel something was wrong. She has so many boil's scars on her face. At that moment, I didn't have any clue about what had been happened to her, I just felt sorry for her & continued to eat.

The exam was about to go!! I was very excited and prepared my best for the last. I took my paper, pen, and Lecture's PPT to make a summary. My activity went smoothly until I knocked out in my room. No one knows I was knocked out, and I woke up myself hahaha. It just about time.

When I woke up, I felt very dizzy and exhausted. Also, I felt that there is something behind my ear that felt itchy and hot. I grabbed it, even it was painful. I was really curious about what happened to myself. I saw that is like a boil's scar. I felt very strange and frightened.
Since I haven't studied for the exam I continue for my study. Around 30' minutes I saw that I have a watery boil on my right arm. Chickenpox once came across my mind, but I should do my last exam tomorrow. So, I tried to focus first and decided to meet the GMC's doctor after the exam.

I felt so bad about my self since I've heard some rumor about having chickenpox in adult age. Thanks to my friend Febri Nurul Azmi who accompany me and talked about the good things.

When it came to my place to see the doctor, I really wish for anything but chickenpox!
And the doctor's finale diagnoses is "You have a Chickenpox" :) holy crap
She suggests me come home since I would need the others to help during this moment. So I went out of the doctor's room sadly and wait for the medicine.

I decided to go home early the next morning. At home, my parents are really excited to see me. I felt the same joy but couldn't express it since I had a bad condition. I told them that I got chickenpox and I really confused about it. Luckily, all my family members had already got that. So they wouldn't be afraid of me.

So, these were my tips to handle chickenpox. First, go to the doctor and ask for a drug prescription. You might get a drinkable medicine and an outer medicine.

Second, DON'T TAKE A BATH hahaha. I did that for almost 1,5 weeks. But change your clothes regularly!!! Wear perfume or deodorant so you won't smell stingy.

Third, don't ever peel your boil's scar!!! Even it has already dry. Just let it removed from your skin naturally.

Okay friends those all my tips on HOW TO RECOVER FROM CHICKENPOX IN ADULT! I hope it could help you during the chickenpox recovery time
